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Four Boxes of Liberty
Created by Imaynotbehere4long Dec 15, 2020 at 06:21AM EST
Origin Entry: 2020 United States Presidential Election
File type: png
Resolution: (872px x 881px)
File size: 1.21 MB
This dude is just praying that those bullshit fraud claims come through. Read the articles about the "Electors voting for trump" They say they are doing it to ensure if the court decides that there was fraud, to prevent biden from winning prematurely.
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Did you know there was a ton of bidding being done on the election? And that the trump supporters are even more peeved that they lost their money as well as the election
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2020 United States Presidential Election - Four Boxes of Liberty
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Mr. J
Dec 15, 2020 at 09:12PM EST