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4chan - Anons discuss Schopenhauer and his relevance to current society

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yeah the smartest take here is the second anon's comment, you don't need to talk like you're sponsored by Thesaurus to make sense or say smart stuff lol, I've always gotten that same feeling while reading these quotes and some literature. more people should've been like Hamlet and just go nuts with whatever, get popular, refuse to elaborate further and then die a legend

and most of you know who Hamlet was but not Schopenhauer right? so there ya go


in reply to KnowYourUsername

I… feel a bit called out here. I may not be at philosopher levels of word usage, but I admit that I can get wordy and verbose frequently, and some people have pointed that out about me. On my defense, English is not my first language, so I do not actually talk how I write and I write how I do for no particular reason. I am not trying to replace being smart with being eloquent for sure – I kind of just learned the written language this way as a teen and it just stuck with me as an adult, so now it is too strong of a habit to break.

But yes, people should definitely judge wisdom based on its depth amd merit more than the overall image that the person imparting it gives off.


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