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I'd also add
Payed attention to the Clone Wars parts of the franchise
Since they kind of hammer in how the Jedi's rules at that time were self-destructive and did more to help dark side, like the entire creation of Darth Vader only occurred due to their rules that misunderstood balance and controlling emotions with outright repression against the nature of being a living creature which causes outbursts.

Or even just the OG trilogy where the old Jedi were wrong on redemption while Luke was spot on.

Pre-Luke Jedi order being fucked is almost a constant of the franchise.

Luke made the best Jedi Order there ever looks at Disney was.


I love me some Kreia(it's seriously a toss up if I like her or Revan more) but I find this post-modernist interpretation of the good/evil and of the Jedi to be tiresome.

The Jedi are a net positive force for good in the universe, period. That said it doesn't make them perfect or infallible, and the prequels despite their flaws did a good job portraying this. The Jedi were a force for good but their belief that attachments were something to avoid was both wrong(Luke redeemed Vader due to the familial attachment) and hypocritical(Obi-wan clearly had a brotherly bond with Anakin, and it's not like it was a secret). This is why in the original EU Luke reestablished the Jedi order but in a much less rigid manor, allowing if not outright encouraging attachments for himself and other Jedi.

That said I like the Sith, I think in principle I agree with the Sith more, but in practice they are selfish, destructive, and ruled by their base desires. To say that Sith are default evil is incorrect, but it's rare and only from a certain perspective that you find one you could consider morally "good."


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