department of government efficiency (doge)
ben garrison
elon musk
vivek ramaswamy
matt gaetz
Origin Entry:
Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)
If your government’s way too big,
In your neighborhood
Who you gonna call?
DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency led by tech titan Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have vowed to cut two trillion of wasteful government spending. For far too long the taxpayers have put their blood, sweat, and tears into earning their money, which is then taxed by the Federal Government and then spent by the Federal Government. Most of that government spending is wasteful. Studies on putting female monkey hormones into male monkeys, etc. Why are our tax dollars funding transgender monkeys?
We citizens have to balance our budgets, why can’t the government stay within its budget? The government spends our money like Chris Christie eats donuts and it has grown way too obese. Worse than that, it has grown abusive and tyrannical.
The government has grown into an ever-expanding, all-consuming blob of bureaucracy, regulations, and taxes. This only gives the government more and more power over the citizen. It has become a perpetually growing overlord that watches our every move and controls every aspect of our lives. This is not the freedom we are promised in the Constitution. We are regulated and taxed to death--and even after death.
DOGE will have Elon Musk in charge and he already did a little fat trimming himself when he bought Twitter and fired 90% of the employees. The blue bird is has been renamed X and is running like a well-oiled machine. If Elon can cut 90% of the fat at his company, what do you think he can do with the Federal government?
Vivek Ramaswamy is an excellent business man and a trusted Trump advisor. He has the brains and chops to partner with Elon and make the changes needed with Elon. He is the ying to Musk’s yang.
Yesterday, a MAGA warrior was nominated for President Trump’s Attorney General, Congressman Matt Gaetz. Gaetz is key to helping DOGE stay on track as we all know the loser Democrats will fight to keep the fat in government and their slush funds and kickbacks going. Democrats want bigger and bigger government and they claim Musk will cut Social Security and Medicare. Nothing can be further from the truth--it’s just more fear mongering from big guv Democrats.
We wish the DOGE team the best of luck with cutting the Big Guv blob down to size!
As someone once said, Drain The Swamp!
– The GrrrTeam
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