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Fresh Prince of Nohr
Fresh Prince of Nohr

Look, I'm an Atheist, so let me just say this: shut up. Yes there are are a few people out there trying to pin the blame on Atheism, but there are just as many Atheists who try to pin the blame on Christianity. This is a time of National tragedy. I hate debating about religion under NORMAL circumstances, and even if I did, this is NOT the time to do it.

Crimson Locks
Crimson Locks

You're using the actions of a few people to justify your labeling of an entire religion, and on top of that you put that little bit at the end about giving your respects to the families afflicted with this tragedy so that it won't look like your using this tragedy to your own advantage.

Good job whoever made this, you look like as much of an idiot and a jerk as the people you use in your examples


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