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Herp Derperson
Herp Derperson

I'm with Advance. Most of these are just not good for the bingo chart. I call for a do-over.
Discord is Starswirl? Why would that …
"Hasbro makes more changes" is probably going to happen, but this is too indefinite.
King Sombra is dead.
Why would Pinkie's family get an ep? At best they would even be mentioned.
Obviously there will be a Rarity ep.
I doubt that they will try to introduce dating, but why specifically: "Rarity helps Twilight?"
Spike does something "hilarious"? That's too general. He does lots of funny stuff.
Seaponies is a bad idea. Just… stop.

I do like the Weird Al reference; it would be fun to have a celebrity. My vote would be for Conan.


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