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BulletproofBrony, Not Dead Melia
BulletproofBrony, Not Dead Melia

[NatGeo voice] Here we see the mating dance of the American teenage girl, in her natural habitat.

Her movements are meant to attract potential mates who will approach her from behind.

If she finds the mate acceptable, she will depart the festival to the male's dwelling, discard her outer garments, and copulate.

Once morning comes and the effects of alcohol wear off, the female will see whether the male she chose was suitable or not and whether her decision to employ her mating dance was worthwhile.

The sad truth is that most American teenage girls are unhappy with their decisions, and thus proceed to drink more to numb the regret, which then leads them to perform another mating dance, and the cycle continues.

^Basically my thoughts whenever I go to a club at college haunted primarily by freshmen.


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