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I was somewhat skeptical before, and this hasn't done much to change that. That being said, I'm actually looking forward to the idea of a new villain, since King Sombra, Sunset Shimmer, and the prehensile rape-vines from the season premiere all left much to be desired in terms of character.

However, this seems to really be trying to shill out the fact that Twilight's a princess now, even though she's done next to nothing related to it since the premiere. I was actually fine with that, since, as someone who never liked the idea of Princess Twilight in the first place, was content to leave it at "social paragon".

But that's just the thing. Having such a major event in spite of Twi's lack of royal activity just makes it look even more out of place than usual. It just lends credence to the idea that Twilicorn is a narrative Kobayashi Maru, destined to piss some folks off regardless of what they do or don't do with it.

Granted, I don't really think this'll be anywhere near as divisive or controversial as last season, but I have to acknowledge that the parent company doesn't give half a damn about narrative integrity, as long as the toys sell, and it's up to the staff to make the best of the mandates foisted upon them, regrettably with sometimes mixed results.

All that being said, I'm still skeptical, but I'm trying to be open-minded, so if the past is any indication, everything should turn out all right in the long run.

/end of obligatory cynical rant


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