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You know, is the whole "ponies are afraid of Luna" thing really thing that can be a… thing?

I mean, hear me out, what do the ponies of today have to be afraid of? Ignoring that we haven't seen much of what NMM really did, those ponies are long since dead. Now, all they really have is the brief story that Twilight read, and whatever they heard during the Nightmare Night festival. At least with Sombra, he enslaved an entire city, and those ponies were still alive.

Which, does beg the question, why does that festival exist in the first place? Even if Celestia didn't make it herself, why would she allow an event that pretty much fear-mongered her own subjects against her sister? You'd think she'd want them to remember her as Luna, not what she ended up becoming.

Sure, Luna being a little anxious and nervous and what have you around ponies seems like the most likely of things, but them actually being afraid of her doesn't seem like it should logically work out.


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