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700 Views Created 9 years ago By tigrischao • Updated 6 years ago

Created By tigrischao • Updated 6 years ago

File hider: 1411133197553.jpg (132.55 KB, 957x535, 957-535, image jpg) CONSIDER Painful Deception Anonymous 09/19/14 (Fri) 09:26:37 ID: d28b8 e been had /pol. From the very start we were pl FOLLOWING our every move. They set their trap, and we fell right into it. What follows is a chronology of this year's events. If some dates are off or more details are needed, please feel free to add. Due to shorter attention spans, I will break it up into three sections : THE INDEPENDENCE DAY TUMBLR RAID sa graphic begins circulating around tumbir announcing their intent to raid 4chan in retaliation for sexism and racism >/bl strikes back, hitting tumbir with extreme gore and violent images and gifs sniece of Nick Denton (Gawker CEO) reportedly attempts suicide I'll get to the Gawker connection later in this series, but first let's consider a few points here. First of all, it's been generally accepted that the tumblr graphic was started by /bl or pol in order to create an excuse to raid 4chan. However, what if this wasn't the case? What if it was a double bluff, planted by someone trying to manipulate both Consider the reasons given for tumbir's raid on 4chan: racism and sexism. While /bl is guility to some extent, the main board known for such posting is /pol. However, the tumbir raid focused on /bv. Why? My theory: reaction. Think about it, who was more likely to retaliate, Ibi or /pol/? Clearly/bl. Who was more likely to carry out behavior that would trigger tumblr? Again, b Given these facts, it is plausible, in fact, I would say very likely, that the Independence Day Tumblr Raid was orchestrated by a mastermind (or masterminds) who wanted to create an excuse to wage war against 4chan. For simplicity's sake, let's cal this unknown force the Puppetmaster Anonymous 09/19/14 (Fri) 10:05:39 ID: d28b8 No.4299 5399 55235588 (Note: my facts here may be incomplete as I did not follow Gamergate until the full extent of the story became evident a few weeks ago. Contributions are appreciate in this chapter) a long winded and dramatic blog posting written by a male social justice gaming enthusiast begins begins appearing on multiple gaming forums. The blog details the cheating exploits of a mostly unknown indie game developer named Zoe Quinn >Quinn is said to have cheated with five guys in the gaming journalism industry. This is suspected to be the reason for Quinn's game receiving positive reviews gaming boards (including /v) begin censoring discussion of Quinn's adventures /vloses their s--- and begins discussing this on /poll a massive web of connections to various Social Justice organizations, and possibly DARPA, is uncovered. Okay, here is my view as someone who hasn't purchased a major console game since Bush was president: the I know this may be painful for many of you to accept. Some of you will refuse to accept that your hard work played right into the Puppetmaster's hands, but please consider the circumstances. Doesn't it all seem too The dramatic blog posting, the ease with which Quinn was doxxed, the connections which just seemed to fall into place. Don't misunderstand, Quinn was certainly in the wrong, and she is definitely corrupt as hell. But the Quinnspiracy itself was nothing more than a ruse to further smear 4chan as an enemy of innocent women. In short, the Puppetmaster played the queen's gambit, and we fell for it. O Anonymous 09/19/14 (Fri) 11:28:40 ID:d28b8 No.4734 -m 588 Simplying moot, Anita, and Zoe aren't all pawns the largest celebrity nude leak in history is posted on /bv by someone claiming to have hacked iCloud the thread defies commonly recognized post limits and is permitted to remain long enough to generate celebrities, publicists, the media, and feminists begin massive campaign against 4chan -One Week Later moot orders enforcement of DMCA on 4chan, leading to takedown of celebrity photos and paving way for r scale Right off the bat this seems fishy. The logistics and timing are too complex for some /bvtard to carry it out. Hacking one celebrity iCloud account is a massive endeavor in itself, let alone hundreds. So if it wasn't a /b/tard, who was it? We know from based Snowden that the NSA has access to people's private photos. He even specified that NSA workers would trade stolen nudes. Let's look at the consequences of the Fappening for a moment: distraction from Gamergate while everyone Fapped to Kate Upton and McKayla Maroney Pincreased scrutiny of 4chan by the government, the media, and SJWs (particularly feminists crying about r---") framework for an unprecedented censorship mechanism on 4chan negative publicity towards 4chan of I We can deduce, therefore, that the Puppetmaster had access to NSA data and would have directly benefitted from the consequences of the Fappening (more on this later). Whether we're talking about the government as a whole, the NSA working alone, or rogue elements within the NSA, we can certainly assume the Puppetmaster is a very powerful individual or group. O Anonymous 09/19/14 (Fri) 12:00:43ID: a1d8c No.4957 >>4984 5096 437 IV: Gam ergate Redux id See the Gamergate web grows more complex as connections to govemment social engineering programs are discovered and confirmed big names like Assange, Dawkins, and Baldwin take a stand against corruption in video game journalism >Breitbart and other outlets begin to report the scandal >Zoe Quinn, who had faded to the background, is suddenly brought back by the shills and portrayed as a of "big mean Day) an any and all threads discussing the article on 4chan are taken down with extreme prejudice mass bannings begin as Streisand effect drives up interest in Quinn related stories moot returns from hiding and basically says all Gamergate threads are doxxing threads which must be pruned moot is discovered to have attended an SJW conference sponsored by Sarkeesian pol/ activates Samson option, which fails, leading to a mass purging Before analyzing this aspect, let's go back to a key point from : namely the niece of Nick Denton who tried to kill herself during the tumblr raid. It was revealed by a former mod from /d/ that, at some point between the tumblr aftermath and the start of Gamergate, moot purged the old-school mods and replaced them with SJWs. Was moot coerced by Denton into hiring SJWs? Was he paid off? One thing is certain: Denton was the key to getting SJW mods into 4chan. So we can assume that the Puppetmaster's plans went something like this start war between tumbir and b use the aftermath of the war to persuade moot to shuffle the mods expose corruption in the video game industry with a scandal that 4chan can't help but get dirty with release stolen celebrity nudes to reinforce the narrative that 4chan is sexist and create the framework for use accusations of sexism to shut down Gamergate discussion and, ultimately, castrate 4chan Anonymous 09/19/14 (Fri) 12:37:05 ID: a1d8c No. 5175 ss324 쯔55고 쯔63 226421 V:Conclusions It is clear that the Puppetmaster knew how each board would react at every step of the way, and he catered his moves so that they would have the desired effect. He knew a tumblir raid on lbV would result in mass gore and "trigerring", He knew that I and /pol would react to Gamergate in a way that would help build a case against 4chan. He knew that 4chan in general would keep the Fappening going. The only thing that probably wasn't part of the original plan was Denton's niece. It's likely the Puppetmaster was planning to push mass hysteria based on the tumbir raid in order to generate negative publicity. The Denton connection, however, would have made it easier to work out a backdoor deal and set the stage for an IS One thing is certain, though: Denton is not the Puppetmaster. We know from the Fappening that, at the very least, elements of the NSA were involved in this operation. Gawker is generally at odds with the NSA, so any cooperation between Denton and the NSA is unlikely. It's conceivable that Denton knows the Puppetmaster but the most likely scenario is that the Puppetmaster used Denton as a pawn in his game. There are, howeverm two figures in this little vignette of deceit who probably know who the Puppetmaster is: Quinn's ex and Quinn herself. Given the obvious false-flag nature of the Quinnspiracy, it's very likely that they were taking orders from the very beginning Although we can't know for certain who the Puppetmaster is, we can make an educated guess by asking the swho had the most to gain from shutting down the internet's most famous bastion of free speech? who had the means and the motivation to carry out this intricate operation? The involvement of NSA elements further indicates that this goes beyond moot, beyond SJWs, beyond This goes all the way to the top.
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