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Reaction Images - I offended you? What does it feel like to be so weak that mere words hurt you?

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Platus Moderator

It's funny you should mention that, because according to certain provisions in Norse civil law:

"Dishonor could be communicated through a variety of means. One powerful means was through words. Certain insults were thought to be so powerful that Grágás, the medieval Icelandic law book, said that a man was free to kill someone who spoke certain forms of insults. Most of these insults have as their basis the implication that a man acted in a womanly manner."

So there you have it – the vikings were so sensitive that they had a law that said you were allowed to kill a dude for saying they threw like a girl.

Necro910:  That Krieger Dude
Necro910: That Krieger Dude

in reply to Platus

The worst insult in the Norse tongue is "argr", meaning that you were not only a homosexual, but you were the bottom homosexual. You're doubly a taboo pansy-ass.

This word was such an insult that you were not only allowed to fight the accuser to the death, but were required to do so or else face permanent shame.

TL;DR: "ur a faget" is a death sentence to say in Viking areas.


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