Jasper's defeat | Steven Universe | Know Your Meme
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1473 Views Created 9 years ago By BrentD15 • Updated 4 years ago

Created By BrentD15 • Updated 4 years ago

>>· Anonymous 06/19/15(F )21:54:46 No.73139909 0008 >>7314 >Malichite wrecks the Crystal Gems >Steven tells Lapis not to fight it, to let Jasper have her battle >she tells Malachite that Rose died, and if she wants to fight what's left of her, it's Steven she wants >Malachite unleashes a torrent on Steven >bubble blocks it, St >Malachite starts to lose steam, Lapis almost enchains her >Steven tells her to stop, she does, Malachite is weaker and weaker, until finally, she just unfuses >clearly Lapis is holding her back >Jasper charges Steven, and puts him in a chokehold DON'T INTERFERE >She screams at him to fight her, to take her challenge >Steven won't >Jasper tries to kill him, summoning her most brutal axe to decapitate him, but it shatters on his body into energy goop >the time in Lapis's form has not only made her attached, it's purified her hatred of Rose into needing it to feel good >Killing Steven brings >Even trying to choke him gives her nothing she looks around >no one's fighting her, no one's going to stop her >because she's lost, she has no ship, no way home, no grander goal left, she's a vagabond like them now >Jasper finally breaks down and wrecks the place, sobbing and roaring at how she hasn't got a goal >she only ever came with Peridot because of the old glory days, how she had been put to the wayside after the war. What good's a soldier gem, if she cant fight anything? >this was her chance to settle the score, to fight one more thrilling battle against Rose and she can't have it >when she finally calms down, Steven comes over, asks if she's okay >Jasper asks why he cares >Steven says because he just does, is it wrong to care about how everyone's doing? >Jasper says nothing >he offers her some lemonade and a blanket, and tells her she can come inside if she promises not to wreck his house or get stuck in any monster fusion:s >Jasper just sits there, silent, drained, and drinks her lemonade teven stands there her nothing, she can't hold her weapons to do it
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Steven Universe


Something from the Steven Universe General from /co/ tonight.

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