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dancing cactuar
dancing cactuar

I'm probably going to get downvoted to oblivion for this, but why the fuck do people like Game Grumps? The OP scratches a little bit of why Arin's terrible, but it doesn't even cover how he's absolute trash at the most important thing in the channel, which is to play video games. I mean, look at this!

This is borderline DSP tier right here, blaming the game for his own problems, random screaming/terrible jokes, not reading what's right there on the screen, ignoring exposition/directions because he's too busy thinking he's the funniest guy on the planet (he isn't), rushing the game so he can move on to the next one because staying on one game is bad for the Youtube money. Only thing missing is the racist humor and the shit/nonexistent editing skills (thank you Barry).
Ross is alright on his own, and so is Danny, but Barry's far better as an editor, and Suzy's constantly enabling Arin's stupidity instead of attempting to find a solution. It's all sinking ship where the captain is a man who refuses to believe that he has any fault, all while he's walking around poking holes in the hull.


This MIGHT be unpopular but…

The dumb jokes? I can handle them. I actually don't mind it to be honest. It just sounds like them having fun and being stupid together and I really appreciate that.

Suzy? I hold no issue with her I missed out on that whole debacle. I'm a sucker for seeing people happy together.

Overused jokes? Again, doesn't bug me. I re watch a lot of the dumb stuff anyway so…

The parts that do get to me. Are Arin's dismissive attitude towards his fans and his insistence that any game he hates is automatically bad. I HATE watching them play long games where Arin is clearly frustrated. I HATE hearing him constantly blame the game for his own stupidity. I HATE that he thinks he's good at these games when my sister can tell you he's not. And she doesn't play games that much. This is why I unsubscribed after barely a year. Cause I can't stand seeing him bitch and moan and I wasn't going to suffer through Skyward Sword, a game I like that he holds an unnatural hatred for, as though the game killed his father and slaughtered his puppy, for several episodes until he up and quits (again) because he fails to grasp any simple mechanic that the game (admittingly over) explains.


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