4138 Views Created January 20, 2017 By UPROXX • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By UPROXX • Updated March 23, 2023

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Gorillaz - Hallelujah Money


''On the eve of America’s inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump, a candidate who has stirred a remarkable amount of protest to say the least, Gorillaz have returned with a new video that interrogates the relationship between power, corruption and compassion in the wake of this undeniably historical moment.''

''In these dark times, we all need someone to look up to. Me. That's why I'm giving you this new Gorillaz song, a lightning bolt of truth in a black night. You’re welcome. Now piss on! The new album’s not gonna write itself.



Gorillaz returns after six years with the apocalyptic "Hallelujah Money" video, the first taste of their new record which is coming later this year. The band has issued this song on the eve of the Inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump to serve as commentary on a politically-charged, historical moment.

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