53 Views Created 7 years ago By Luigifan18 • Updated about a year ago

Created By Luigifan18 • Updated about a year ago

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You're creepy

Origin Entry: Forum Weapons


I couldn't find any videos specifically of Kristoff saying "You're creepy", so I decided to make one. (Yes, I'm aware that it cuts off at the wrong moment. It should have cut off either immediately after "You're creepy" or "I don't want it!" I used Clip Converter to perform the splicing, and while it's very good for acquiring videos from YouTube and converting them into a variety of useful formats, it's far less useful for precise splicing.)

If you're curious, you can find the full clip here. Or just watch the freaking movie, though if you haven't watched it, you're probably either a die-hard Disney-hater (in which case, why the hell are you even here?!?), dirt-poor (in which case, congratulations for being online), or have been living under a rock for the past four years. It was the biggest hit of 2013, for crying out loud!!!

I got inspired to splice this clip into a stand-alone forum weapon by a rather… disconcerting post on my wall. As in "I almost deleted this" disconcerting.


A short clip from Disney's Frozen, which I have specifically spliced with the intention of having it be embedded in forum posts as a reaction video when somebody posts something that's… extraordinarily distasteful. (Like, say, describing a disgusting fetish.) All rights for this clip go to the Walt Disney Corporation.

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