0 Views Created July 13, 2017 By Mandi J • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Mandi J • Updated March 23, 2023

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When you give your parents SnapChat

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Some parents have a difficult time keeping up with technology but my Mom is always game to give things a try. At a recent family gathering, all of her children and nieces and nephews were connecting on Snapchat so she decided to get in on it. On the long drive home, she was using the app to see how it worked and, well….it went downhill from there! Once my Mom and Aunt get to giggling, it’s usually hysterical. Once they started, I knew what was coming, so I’m glad I hit “record.” My Mom’s line at the end, “this is why you don’t give your parents technology!” is perfect! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.


While on a road trip, my sister Melissa and I persuaded my mom to download Snapchat. My mom and aunt started laughing uncontrollably while they played with the filters! After only a few seconds, I had to start filming. They had no idea and it was priceless!!

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