26 Views Created November 19, 2017 By ДЕТИ TV • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By ДЕТИ TV • Updated March 23, 2023

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You must watch this film! It drives to tears! It's about a puppy.

Origin Entry: Dogs


A boy comes to a pet shop to buy a puppy. Among three puppies he pays attention to the limped one. He wants to take only that puppy. The salesman offers him to take it for free, but the boy refuses and wants to pay for it. ‘Why is it worse than the others?’ The reason that makes the boy do that tugs the salesman at the heartstrings.


A boy comes to a pet shop to buy a puppy. Among three puppies he pays attention to the limped one. He wants to take only that puppy. The salesman offers him to take it for free, but the boy refuses and wants to pay for it.

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