38 Views Created March 07, 2019 By Rekieta Law • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Rekieta Law • Updated March 23, 2023

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The Amazon Legion of Doom - LIVE INTERVIEW


Nick Rekieta interviews Carey Christie and Laci Stovall of the Beard Harris Bullock Hughes law firm about the Vic Mignogna situation. The two women, along with the not present Kristina M. Ross, are affectionately known as "The Amazon Legion of Doom."


https://www.gofundme.com/vic-kicks-back JUSTICE CHAT: https://streamlabs.com/rekietalaw MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/rekieta-law TONIGHT we have The Beard Harris Bullock and Hughes AMAZON LEGION OF DOOM. Let's LISTEN AND BELIEVE these women and learn about their experience, and their practice. Grab some whiskey and join us!

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