24 Views • Created about a year ago By ST8 • Updated about a year ago Share →
Created By ST8 • Updated about a year ago
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The truth about what is the Blue Whale Challenge
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Blue Whale Challenge
In 2016 in Russia, an online game which allegedly caused 130+ teenage deaths took the country (and then the world) by storm. This is the story of Filipp "Lis" Budeikin, F57 and its many copycats.
What was this game, how did it work, and did it really claim the lives of 130 people? Was it a media-induced moral panic?
In 2016 in Russia, an online game which allegedly caused 130+ teenage deaths took the country (and then the world) by storm. This is the story of Filipp "Lis" Budeikin, F57 and its many copycats. What was this game, how did it work, and did it really claim the lives of 130 people?
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