75 Views Created September 02, 2023 By Blfblif Blifblf • Updated September 02, 2023

Created By Blfblif Blifblf • Updated September 02, 2023

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Origin Entry: Lagtrain


Edited VS Original (probably better if you don't know what the original looks like): https://youtu.be/fpH-rmV7KJQ Lagtrain: https://youtu.be/UnIhRpIT7nc RT Greenscreen Video: https://youtu.be/Zg6I1z3-5Sw Sorry that the subtitles and train background are a little scuffed, I had a difficult time with them and if I try to go back and improve them I will probably die in the process :) Also there's weird pixels every now and then which appeared after I uploaded it so apologies on behalf of youtube being weird and ruining the quality (youtube moment fr fr) Anyways here's my entry for the RT greenscreen movie night!

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