413 Views • Created April 12, 2013 By DoubleSwee • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By DoubleSwee • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.Spongebob style
Alright youtube this is spongebob style, a parody to gangnam style. The animated spongebob is here today. Spongebob is the best. He's the bomb. He almost exploded into pieces from the pie. Every time squidward says something really rude, Spongebob really likes it too. spongebob is the boss. He is better than patrick star. Patrick's retarded even though hes still awesome. Spongebobs awesome, he does karate and then he karate chops sandy in half. You better know that spongebob is the awesomest. Yeah. He cooks patties and sells them to the west. Yeah. And you know that hes always got a gabbggabagagabaga gang. Oppa spongebob style. Spongebob style. Opp opp opp opp open Spongebob style. Spongebob style.
HEEEEEYYYYYYY SEXY FISH opp opp opp opp open spongebob style HEEEEEYYYYYYY MISTER KRABS opp opp opp opp open Spongebob style. Spongebob style. Spongebobs awesome and you better respect that. Spongebob is awesome. He is the best. He cooks patties and sells them to the west. He is the best. He cooks patties and sells them to the west, so so hes the best. And mister krabs is so cheap that the pirate from under the sea comes sees him, puts him, in the locker. Yeah. But then mister krabs cries like a baby yb ybyby by by ybybybbyb BY. Spongebob style. Spongebob style. Opp opp opp opp cooking patties style. Spongebob style. Opp opp opp opp open spongebob style. HEEEEEYYYYYYY SEXY FISH. Opp opp opp opp open Spongebob style. HEEEEEYYYYYYY SPONGEBOB STYLE. opp opp opp. He is awesome. Yeah. I wanna tell you something about plankton. Plankton is so evil. He is evil. He punches spongebob all the time but hes tiny hes like the microscopic tiny thing. Yeah. You have to use a scope thing to see him. Yeah. And then he tries to steal the recipe.
Thx for the translate Anon.. I think…
Ganggam style spongebob version check out real spongebob rap video as well
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