17 Views Created June 02, 2013 By motionkicker • Updated June 02, 2013

Created By motionkicker • Updated June 02, 2013

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Return of the Cicadas

Origin Entry: Kickstarter


"Orr, who filmed through a microscope to get some of the close-up shots, hopes to make an hour-long documentary with his footage; the video above is just a preview. (He's started a Kickstarter page to raise $20,000 for the project.)"


I've been working an a 1-hour documentary on cicadas since 2007, and now have a crowd-funding campaign going on over at kickstarter; http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/motionkicker/return-of-the-cicadas This video can be embedded (via vimeo please) on third-party websites as long as you credit me (Samuel Orr) as the filmmaker, and please mention the kickstarter project.

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