6831 Views Created September 13, 2013 • Updated March 23, 2023

Created • Updated March 23, 2023

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Tags: awesome, reddit, are, atheist, fedora, neckbeard, fedoras, fedorae, fedoras are, fedoras are awesome, fedora awesome, fedoras awesome, fedorae are, fedorae awesome, neckbeard atheist, youtube, video, celebrity, animation, lolcats, sports, iraq, bush, photoshop, anime, community, music, movie, science, politics, drugs, dance, no, cartoon, sex, children, kids, tv, war, weird, games, internet, funny, philosophy, office, cartoons, car, of, death, dog, religion, internets, w, pictures, film, animals, facebook, economy, art, cat, images, comic, game, flash, election, cash, celebrities, quotes, webcomic, hot, microsoft, humor, god, satire, comedy, c, cats, videos, news, performance, obama, vintage, advertising, 2008, 2009, phone, diy, software, men, way, entertainment, drawing, comics, humour, home, america, travel, photo, food, apple, diet, new, show, london, space, football, download, online, web show, google, photography, guitar, room, gaming, television, alcohol, event, secret, omg, cars, linux, computers, movies, physics, pirates, money, service, tech, windows, blog, books, green, people, tools, live, party, love, mac, arts, debate, shows, family, theater, jazz, christianity, sexy, photos, woman, moustache, country, desk, life, president, rock, literature, psychology, media, math, pop, clothing, pride, winter, beard, free, health, fun, programming, poetry, glasses, energy, shopping, peace, florida, haircut, for, web, concert, bench, california, couch, technology, sport, graffiti, hipster, buddhism, nature, dogs, activism, painting, pakistan, bizarre, hipsters, college, bisexual, relationships, nfl, security, cooking, fashion, halloween, recipes, bi, aviation, medicine, crime, guns, league, illustration, classical, registration, nyc, blues, water, history, tattoos, haunted, convention, republican, neck, marriage, hacking, business, group, environment, writing, mathematics, indie, social, blogs, crafts, women, flowers, living, charity, firefox, field, events, wordpress, marketing, local, elections, oil, design, recipe, exercise, vegan, astronomy, broadway, internetz, drive, tour, video-games, architecture, western, tips, networking, actors, bank, geography, startup, finance, society, blogging, festival, multimedia, conference, management, national, linguistics, fair, sculpture, ubuntu, meeting, males, paintings, fundraising, organizing, buildings, drawer, development, barackobama, ecommerce, county, neckbeards, animé, workshop, tutorials, musicals, filmfest, stumbleupon, r/atheism, neckbearded, a-capella, group of neckbeards, groups, alternative-news, ancient-history, classic-rock, comedy-movies, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, cyberculture, fine-arts, graphic-design, illusions, interior-design, internet-tools, liberal-politics, liberties, mac-os, network-security, online-games, open-source, quizzes, science-fiction, self-improvement, space-exploration, stumblers, web-design, climate-change, gadgets, global-warming, internet-marketing, music-video, social-media, social-networking, star-wars, web-development, amplafitesttag, canvass, communityservice, debatewatchparty, election08, entrepreneur, iowavoteearlyforchangeweekofac, localfieldoffice, mybo, phonebank, prideevent, pridefest, voter, voterregistrationdrive, women for obama,

A-Crap-Ella song about fedoras.

Origin Entry: Cringe


Overtagged, much?


It's true. They are pretty awesome. http://www.AdamTheAlien.com My theme song is "Pluto Vs. Neptune" by Driftless Pony Club. You can buy their albums from DFTBA Records at http://www.dftba.com

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