122 Views Created May 16, 2014 By IfYouPlayThisGameBackwardsShow • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By IfYouPlayThisGameBackwardsShow • Updated March 23, 2023

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If you play this game backwards EP 3 & 4: Diablo 2 LoD - hero gets punished for arrogance

Origin Entry: Diablo


In this plot analysis we find out the hero circumvents a whole trail of trails and teleports right into a sacred place only to catch a dirty achangel stealing a special sword and dooming his world. Because he saw too much he's cursed with progressing memory loss, which causes the dirty achangel even more problems than his curse solved, so he takes matters into his own hands and dooms himself in the process.


If You Play This Game Backwards is a comedy video game-centered web show focused on analysing plots of video games when they're played backwards – in a relatively logical and, hopefully, entertaining way. Technical diary: It's finally here. I worked for over 5 months on this.

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