Burn His House. Beat His Mother
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Burn His House. Beat His Mother. Originated from the old erotic Cantonese film Sex and Zen 2. The scene was used when a father prayed to the Chinese Bhudda about what to do with her rebellious daughter. At the same time, the council next to him responded with "Burn his house. Beat his mother." Contridicting to the original poster's thoughts on the origin of the meme, it is not badly translated. The Chinese subtitles match with English subtitles perfectly
The meme is very popular on Singapore forum threads. It is used as an image response to someone who has done something offensive or incredibly stupid stupid. It has also been used as a response to something displeasing to the public eye However, it was made popular by the Singaporean owned page called SGAG
The original image this link.
Widely discussed inSG Forums