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Coldplay on a giant flying tortoise

Added 12 years ago by dmcbbb • Updated about a year ago by Doc
Added 12 years ago by dmcbbb • Updated about a year ago by Doc

Coldplay on  a giant flying tortoise
Coldplay on  a giant flying tortoise

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2011 Origin: YouTube Region:
Tags: youtube

Coldplay on a giant flying tortoise was created for the up and coming Youtube series "Death Metal Clarinet Brotherhood Battle Band". In the second video "Death Metal Clarinet Brotherhood Battle Band: 2 The Quest for the Silver Reed" coldplay helps Ben and Daniel locate where the Silver Reed is buried. This meme is notable because the rratio of Coldplay to tortoise to awesomeness is just what the internet needs.

Comments ( 3 )

  • Doc - 12 years ago

    1. That video has only 42 videos, so I guessing it's not notable.
    2. Your username, dmcbbb, is the same as the Youtube username for the video, leading me to believe you're the same person, and that it stands for Death Metal Clarinet Brotherhood Battle Band. So it's not notable and it's forced.

    We don't create or force memes at KYM, we document existing, notable ones.

  • winton overwat - 12 years ago

    Coldplay will most likely never be a meme anyway

  • SheldonCooper - 11 years ago

    what about their song viva la vida honestly seeing as how many parodies, covers, pmvs, amvs and so fourth im serious look at how many pmvs of viva la vida there are spreading like crazy in the brony commuity in fact there is an mlp parody of viva la vida called viva la disarmonia, and do i have to mention fallen kingdom by captainsparklez. Not to mention the fact that viva la vida has over 100 million views

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