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DILDO UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! is an Internet Meme, also part of the Youtube Poop. Said it by DJBJ after the doctors got the pizza.
The Catchphrase was originate from the Fat Pizza season 5 episode 6, 'Doctor Pizza' in 2007.
Why DJBJ hates Doctors
DJBJ had a dildo caught in his zipper when he was 12, he had to go the the hospital (with his mum) and the lady told them to wait. 2 hours later, DJBJ is still crying for his dildo caught in his zipper and he rock himself and saying "erzer erzer erzer…………" Another 2 hours later DJBJ had finally called up and the doctor told his mum that he has to boast to his penis, BJ doesn't like that, but it's only gonna be a very small job.
So this is why DJBJ hates Doctors.
A Video in G-Major
A Reverse Video.
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Nightfury Treann
Jan 13, 2013 at 11:45PM EST
Jan 14, 2013 at 12:35AM EST