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Deadpool   2,995

This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

To dispute this DEADPOOL flagging, please provide suggestions for how this entry can be improved.

Dress-Man originated on the 4chan boards /soc/ and /b/ sometime in July 2012 (estimated). Initially, the image was occasionally posted with messages such as 'Rate me'. Throughout August, it started showing up more and more, until it was almost daily on /soc/.

On September 7th, 2012, a Dress-Man image appeared on /b/ with the message 'What would you do to me /b/?'. OP quickly replied 'I am a girl btw.'. The exact thread, only replacing /b/ with the board name, was then posted across 21 other boards.

File: 1347026910749.ipg-(151 KB, 1280x1024, 2012-03-12-220215.jpg) Anonymous 09/07/12 (Fri)10:08 No.4367132 What would you do to me /mlp/? Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:08 No.4367134 I am a girl btw Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:10 No.4367144 Post t--- Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:10 No.4367145 Report you to the police for sexual abuse to young children. Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:11 No.4367147 4367145 Can I report you for sexual abuse to young pony pics? Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:11 No.4367148 File: 1347 6 KB, 1280x840, t---.jpg) 4367144 OP delivars Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:12 No.4367161 You're in luck OP bearded ladies are my fetish. Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:13 No.4367163 File: 1347027197760.ipg-(44 KB, 455x427, 1338628297992.jpg) 4367148 f--- me

Someone other than the OP of the other threads posted the image on /int/. In that thread, several users argued over who is the real Dress-Man.

File: 13470 49.ipg-(151 KB, 1280x1024, 2012-03-12-220215.jpg) Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:05 No.5820379 Ginger Scottish master race report in. Pic related, what would you do to me /int/? Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:07 No.5820395 I f------ hate gingers ! Anonymous int 09/07/12(Fri)10:08 No.5820408 >5820395 Well f--- you too Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:09 No.5820415 You are wearing a dress? I Typical Inhabitant of Great Britain ! EcRiYWX0sY 즙 09/07/12(Fri)10:09 No.5820416 Add you on facebook to speak to your equally ginger sisters ! Anonymous in 09/07/12(Fri)10:14 No.5820447 >5820415 Yeah it's one of my sister's. It fits me really well though. Anonymous09/07/12(Fri)10:16 No.5820461 5820447 I don't think your sister would like that you're doing that if she found out. ! Anonymous-ヨ09/07/12(Fri)10:16 No.5820462 u rook so sexy Anonymous 09/07/12(Eri)10.17 No 5820464

After posting the thread on 22 boards, the original poster was given a 3-day ban. Not long after, a new thread appeared, this time on /q/. The original poster again claimed to be Dress-Man, admitted to ban evasion, and asked moot for a /dm/ board dedicated to himself.

File: 1347030757141 ipg-(151 KB, 1280x1024, 2012-03-12-220215 jpg) The Return of Dress-Man Anonymous (ID: bclaY+m 09/07/12(Fri)11:12 No.165164。 What would you do to me/q/? I am a girl btw. Yes, I posted this on 22 other boards. And my ban was a mere 3 days. For Dress-Man, 3 days becomes 3 minutes. So I am back, to directly ask YOU, moot. What would you do to me? Please get back to me in a timely manner, I anxiously await your response. Also, please be so kind as to ban the impersonator on /int/. That is NOT me, I assure you. Lastly, I suggest a Idm/ board, suggest specifically to me, Dress-Marn. I sincerely appreciate your time and concern, moot, and I anxiously await your response. Much love, Dress-Man

The original poster continued to post the thread across multiple other boards, and was then banned. OP was given a 1-day ban from /q/, as well as a permanent ban from all boards which was attributed to 'child pornography', despite the fact that no child pornography is known to have been posted. Posting the Dress-Man photo will now result in an automatic global permanent ban from 4chan if anyone attempts to upload it.

You are banned! ;_; You have been banned from Iq/ for the following reason: Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to 4chan. Your ban was filed on September 7th, 2012, and expires on September 8th, 2012, which is 1 day from now. According to our server, your IP is: The name you were posting with was Anonymous. + Cha Because of the short length of your ban, you are not permitted to appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired. You have also been permanently banned from all boards for the following reason: Posting, requesting, or advertising child p---------- is strictly forbidden, and against the law. Your ban was filed on September 7th, 2012. This ban will not expire. The name you were posting with was Anonymous. PLEASE NOTE: We are currently experiencing issues with automatic bans. As you are seeing this message the system has detected you may be affected by this issue. Please contact a moderator on IRC at #4chan @ with your IP address ( for more details. Moderators are channel ops (@), half-ops(%), and voiced users (+). Please check back in 2 days when you may appeal your ban.

During the time that all of this was going on, a cat pop-up appeared on /b/. Some people think that this is related to the Dress-Man incident.

← ca File: 1347030401581 (1.03 MB, 960x960, nice kitchen.png) 器□ Anonymous (ID: kZTCeewq) 09/07/12(Fri)11:06:41 No.423791028 [Reply] Give me a rate /b/? Anonymous (ID: wL3e39Yg) 09/07/12 f------ knacker E File: 1347032007494 png-(819 KB, 1838x Anonymous (ID: Z5Cb4KVV) 09/07/1 same got scurred >> D Anonymous (ID: 10Wk1Oxx) 09/07/12(Fri)11:38:47 No 423794030 File: 1347032327863 jog-(129 KB, 988x644, i _think this might be phof(..).jpg)

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Updated Sep 09, 2012 at 01:46AM EDT by opspe.

Added Sep 09, 2012 at 01:22AM EDT by ShadowVegan.

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

To dispute this DEADPOOL flagging, please provide suggestions for how this entry can be improved, or request editorship to help maintain this entry.

Dress-Man originated on the 4chan boards /soc/ and /b/ sometime in July 2012 (estimated). Initially, the image was occasionally posted with messages such as 'Rate me'. Throughout August, it started showing up more and more, until it was almost daily on /soc/.

On September 7th, 2012, a Dress-Man image appeared on /b/ with the message 'What would you do to me /b/?'. OP quickly replied 'I am a girl btw.'. The exact thread, only replacing /b/ with the board name, was then posted across 21 other boards.

File: 1347026910749.ipg-(151 KB, 1280x1024, 2012-03-12-220215.jpg) Anonymous 09/07/12 (Fri)10:08 No.4367132 What would you do to me /mlp/? Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:08 No.4367134 I am a girl btw Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:10 No.4367144 Post t--- Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:10 No.4367145 Report you to the police for sexual abuse to young children. Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:11 No.4367147 4367145 Can I report you for sexual abuse to young pony pics? Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:11 No.4367148 File: 1347 6 KB, 1280x840, t---.jpg) 4367144 OP delivars Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:12 No.4367161 You're in luck OP bearded ladies are my fetish. Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:13 No.4367163 File: 1347027197760.ipg-(44 KB, 455x427, 1338628297992.jpg) 4367148 f--- me

Someone other than the OP of the other threads posted the image on /int/. In that thread, several users argued over who is the real Dress-Man.

File: 13470 49.ipg-(151 KB, 1280x1024, 2012-03-12-220215.jpg) Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:05 No.5820379 Ginger Scottish master race report in. Pic related, what would you do to me /int/? Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:07 No.5820395 I f------ hate gingers ! Anonymous int 09/07/12(Fri)10:08 No.5820408 >5820395 Well f--- you too Anonymous 09/07/12(Fri)10:09 No.5820415 You are wearing a dress? I Typical Inhabitant of Great Britain ! EcRiYWX0sY 즙 09/07/12(Fri)10:09 No.5820416 Add you on facebook to speak to your equally ginger sisters ! Anonymous in 09/07/12(Fri)10:14 No.5820447 >5820415 Yeah it's one of my sister's. It fits me really well though. Anonymous09/07/12(Fri)10:16 No.5820461 5820447 I don't think your sister would like that you're doing that if she found out. ! Anonymous-ヨ09/07/12(Fri)10:16 No.5820462 u rook so sexy Anonymous 09/07/12(Eri)10.17 No 5820464

After posting the thread on 22 boards, the original poster was given a 3-day ban. Not long after, a new thread appeared, this time on /q/. The original poster again claimed to be Dress-Man, admitted to ban evasion, and asked moot for a /dm/ board dedicated to himself.

File: 1347030757141 ipg-(151 KB, 1280x1024, 2012-03-12-220215 jpg) The Return of Dress-Man Anonymous (ID: bclaY+m 09/07/12(Fri)11:12 No.165164。 What would you do to me/q/? I am a girl btw. Yes, I posted this on 22 other boards. And my ban was a mere 3 days. For Dress-Man, 3 days becomes 3 minutes. So I am back, to directly ask YOU, moot. What would you do to me? Please get back to me in a timely manner, I anxiously await your response. Also, please be so kind as to ban the impersonator on /int/. That is NOT me, I assure you. Lastly, I suggest a Idm/ board, suggest specifically to me, Dress-Marn. I sincerely appreciate your time and concern, moot, and I anxiously await your response. Much love, Dress-Man

The original poster continued to post the thread across multiple other boards, and was then banned. OP was given a 1-day ban from /q/, as well as a permanent ban from all boards which was attributed to 'child pornography', despite the fact that no child pornography is known to have been posted. Posting the Dress-Man photo will now result in an automatic global permanent ban from 4chan if anyone attempts to upload it.

You are banned! ;_; You have been banned from Iq/ for the following reason: Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to 4chan. Your ban was filed on September 7th, 2012, and expires on September 8th, 2012, which is 1 day from now. According to our server, your IP is: The name you were posting with was Anonymous. + Cha Because of the short length of your ban, you are not permitted to appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired. You have also been permanently banned from all boards for the following reason: Posting, requesting, or advertising child p---------- is strictly forbidden, and against the law. Your ban was filed on September 7th, 2012. This ban will not expire. The name you were posting with was Anonymous. PLEASE NOTE: We are currently experiencing issues with automatic bans. As you are seeing this message the system has detected you may be affected by this issue. Please contact a moderator on IRC at #4chan @ with your IP address ( for more details. Moderators are channel ops (@), half-ops(%), and voiced users (+). Please check back in 2 days when you may appeal your ban.

During the time that all of this was going on, a cat pop-up appeared on /b/. Some people think that this is related to the Dress-Man incident.

← ca File: 1347030401581 (1.03 MB, 960x960, nice kitchen.png) 器□ Anonymous (ID: kZTCeewq) 09/07/12(Fri)11:06:41 No.423791028 [Reply] Give me a rate /b/? Anonymous (ID: wL3e39Yg) 09/07/12 f------ knacker E File: 1347032007494 png-(819 KB, 1838x Anonymous (ID: Z5Cb4KVV) 09/07/1 same got scurred >> D Anonymous (ID: 10Wk1Oxx) 09/07/12(Fri)11:38:47 No 423794030 File: 1347032327863 jog-(129 KB, 988x644, i _think this might be phof(..).jpg)

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