How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?
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'Как пропатчить KDE2 под FreeBSD?' or 'How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?' is a phrase largely confined to Russian and East European Internet culture.
Since its inception, 'Как пропатчить KDE2 под FreeBSD?' has gained some media coverage for being publicly answered by Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.
'KDE2' refers to the 'K Desktop Environment', a community of open source applications, and 'FreeBSD' refers to the open source operating system.
- The spikes in 2004 correlate with its creation on RusNet and acceptance into 'www.bash.org.ru'.
- The spike in early 2007 correlates with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev's conference.
- The spike in late 2007 correlates with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's conference.
- The spikes in late 2008 may correlate with the Microsoft Remix conference.
RusNet and Bash
On May 8th, 2004, Alexander Kosyrin, a prominent Russian enthusiast of Japanese animation, or 'animeshnikov', known as 'DEAD_PERSIMMON' on LiveJournal and 'Sashok' on Internet Relay Chat, initiated a satirical conversation on the '#anime' channel of RusNet, Eastern Europe's and Central Asia's largest Internet Relay Chat network.
The following quotation is a simplification of the actual conversation.
In Russian,
Sashok: Здравствуйте, это канал об аниме?
Sashok: Как мне пропатчить KDE2 под FreeBSD?
In English,
Sashok: Hello, is this the '#anime' channel?
Sashok: How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?
Alexander Kosyrin intended to satirize the community of the '#anime' channel of RusNet, which was composed of enthusiasts of computer programming, network administration, and information technology who seldom discussed Japanese animation, preferring to discuss more 'geeky' topics. For humorous purposes, Alexander Kosyrin acknowledged that the channel was '#anime' but posted the irrelevant message anyways, instead of posting in the more appropriate '#freebsd', '#unix', or '#kde' channels.
On August 30th, 2004, the quotation was submitted to and accepted by 'www.bash.org.ru' [1], a website similar to 'www.bash.org' as they both serve as archives of Internet Relay Chat conversations. The quotation became popular on the website with a score of 62,214 and spawned numerous popular derivatives, such as this ,
In Russian,
moontiger: мне нравятся лозунги типа "рок против наркотиков"
moontiger: и "панк против водки"
moontiger: ну там "скины против расизма"
moontiger: и еще "готы против суицида"
moontiger: а также "сатанизм против люцифера"
moontiger: ну и, конечно, "КАМ против кефира"
moontiger: [в угоду колену] "анимешники против KDE2 под FreeBSD"
In English,
moontiger: I like slogans like "Rock Against Drugs"
moontiger: And "Punks Against Vodka"
moontiger: And there's "Skinheads Against Racism"
moontiger: And even "Goths Against Suicide"
moontiger: And "Satanists Against Lucifer"
moontiger: And of course, "KAM Against Kafir"
moontiger: And "Anime Fans Against KDE2 Under FreeBSD"
On October 16th, 2005, A group of pseudo-Jewish trolls called Kaschenists [2] formed a LiveJournal group called 'kde2podfreebsd' which dedicated itself to trolling enthusiasts of Japanese animation by frequently mentioning 'How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?' as seen here .
As a result, strict rules were implemented in the '#anime' channel of RusNet and in the LiveJournal group 'ru_anime' which prohibited any mention of KDE2 or FreeBSD in a humorous context.
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin was scheduled to appear at a conference on July 6th, 2006 in which Internet users could submit and vote on questions here . In the 'Internet Connection' category , some humorous questions were submitted.
The most popular question [3] with 28,424 votes, submitted by Кросавчег, 19, of Moscow, was,
In Russian,
ПРЕВЕД, Владимир Владимирович! Как вы относитесь к МЕДВЕДУ?
In English,
Hello, Vladimir Putin! What do you think of bear?
The third most popular question , submitted by Серега, 27, of Tambov, was,
In Russian,
Товарищ Президент как мне пропатчить KDE2 под FreeBSD?
In English,
Comrade President, how does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?
Despite the questions' popularity, neither question was answered.
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev
In a similar conference held on June 7th, 2007, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev was asked the most popular question, which was this ,
How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?
47,955 votes
Nursultan Nazarbayev managed to answer the question seriously, saying,
In Kazakh,
Ответ на этот вопрос лежит в чисто технической плоскости. Могу сказать, что в Казахстане сейчас усиленно развивается национальная индустрия программного обеспечения и думаю, что решения, основанные на технологии Open Source имеют право на жизнь. Существует проект Национальной защищённой операционной системы в рамках государственной программы формирования электронного правительства, которая сейчас реализуется Агентством РК по информатизации и связи. Думаю, что подобные проекты достаточно перспективны. В связи с этим возникают определённые проблемы с подготовкой специалистов в соответствующих областях, но они все решаемы. Существуют курсы по изучению программного обеспечения Open Source, на которых можно получить соответствующие знания." Кроме того, считаю целесообразным упомянуть об истории возникновения вопроса. Данный вопрос был задан 8 мая 2004 года на чате #anime (аниме – японский жанр мультипликации) видимо в шутку, частично связанную с тем, что в числе почитателей аниме (анимешников) много unix-администраторов. по другой версии вопрос был серьёзно задан лицом, не знающим, что такое аниме, но предполагающим, что чат посвящён вопросам администрирования unix. С тех пор шутка приобрела большую популярность.
In English,
The answer to this question is purely technical. I can say that Kazakhstan is now vigorously developing its own software industry and I think that solutions based on open source technologies should be considered. There is a state program for e-government which is now being implemented by the State Agency of Information and Communication. I think that such projects are quite promising. In this regard, there are certain problems with the training of specialists in relevant fields, but they are all being solved. There are courses on open source software where you can get such knowledge.
Also, I consider it appropriate to mention the history of the issue. This question was asked on May 8, 2004 on the chat #anime (anime – Japanese animation), apparently in jest, partly associated with the fact that these anime lovers (animeshnikov) were also UNIX administrators. It was asked by someone wanting to discuss anime, but I suppose that the discussion was devoted to UNIX administration. Since then, the joke has become very popular.
Reuters wrote of the bizarre queries on June 1st, 2007, in an article titled 'Kazakhs shower president with cryptic questions' , which noted,
The cryptic software question -- "How does one patch KDE under FreeBSD?" -- appeared to be the most popular query posted on the webcast site, with more that 11,000 people asking for it to be forwarded to the 66-year-old leader.
Russian President Vladimir Putin faced a similar question and answer session on the Internet last year when Russians asked their leader questions such as whether he planned to employ "giant, humanoid war robots".
More than 9,000 people wanted to know "when the authorities will start chopping off civil servants' tongues for lying to the president in the most outrageous way", was the portal's second-most favorite question as of Friday evening.
One user, backed by more than 2,000 votes and identified as Aizhan, asked: "What is your mobile phone number? Can I call you directly?"
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko
On December 28th, 2007, another similar conference was conducted for Ukrainian President Viktor Ushchenko in which Internet users could submit and vote on questions here . The most popular question , which gained 37,627 votes, was submitted by Нестор on December 24th, 2007,
In Ukrainian,
Пане Президенте? Як пропатчити KDE2 під FreeBSD?
In English,
Mr. President? How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?
Viktor Yushchenko provided the following answer [4],
In Ukrainian,
Уважаемые друзья, пропатчить могут помочь программисты Секретариата Президента в разных операционных системах.
In English,
Dear friends, the programmers at the Presidential Secretariat can patch KDE2 in different operating systems. The second option would be to use newer software that does not confuse users.
His 'second option' likely refers to fact that KDE2 became outdated when KDE3 was released on April 3rd, 2002.
Other submitted questions include,
Mr. President, when is the formal launch of Leonid Chernovetsky to Mars?
16208 votes
Mr. President! How do you feel about the cult of Cthulhu?
6183 votes
Mr. President, when will giant combat bees eventually protect the borders of Ukraine?
4726 votes
Mr. President! Will Ukraine be able to defeat Russia's giant android?
1056 votes
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
On March 26th, 2008, 'iamtankist' of LiveJournal had his question answered on Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan's LiveJournal,
In Russian,
iamtankist: Господин Президент, не подскажете как пропатчить KDE под BSD?
serzhsargsyan: Мне знающие люди посоветовали не заморачиваться с патчами, а ставить из портов.
In English,
iamtankist: Mr. President, how does one patch KDE under the BSD?
serzhsargsyan: I know people are advised not to bother with the patch and use ports instead.
Microsoft President Steve Ballmer
According to 'www.lurkmore.ru' , the sixth most popular question on the 2008 Microsoft Russian website for its annual Remix conference was 'How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?' which was posted by Ilya Agapov of Toshkivka, Ukraine. The high-ranking question won Ilya Agapov an invitation to the conference. However, he gave the invitation to his friend, who then received an XBox 360 at the conference. The question was not asked to Steve Ballmer, likely due to its reference to competing products and irrelevant subject.
Current Status
While 'Как пропатчить KDE2 под FreeBSD?' is popular on the 'Runet', or 'Russian Internet', it remains obscure in the Anglosphere, though a Google Search for 'How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?' does reveal some trolling on support forums[5].
[1] Some found it notable that the URL under which the quotation is kept ends in "42", resulting in comparisons to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
[2] 'Kaschenism' , named after Kaschenko Psychiatric Hospital and Doctor Pyotr Kashchenko, is an elaborate form of trolling in which the troll pretends to be Jewish and uses Hebrew terms in order to provoke anti-Semites through a policy of strict political correctness. The troll also imitates either a medical staff or a medical patient by using psychiatric terms. They inhabit 'www.kaschenko.ru', which is in both English and Russian .
[3] 'ПРЕВЕД МЕДВЕДУ' is another Russian meme. 'ПРЕВЕД', or 'Preved', is an exclamation meaning 'Hello!' and is a mispelling of 'Privet' while 'МЕДВЕДУ', or Medved, means 'Bear' and is a misspelling of 'медведь'. When read together, it means 'The Hello Bear'. However in this context, 'МЕДВЕДУ' may be a humorous reference to Prime Minister Dimitri Medvedev, whose surname is derived from 'Medved' and means 'Bear'.
[4] When speaking, Viktor Yushchenko mistakenly said 'operational scheme' instead of 'operating system'. This was corrected in the official textual transcript .
[5] According to 'www.lurkmore.ru' , the correct answer to 'How does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?' is 'Because the use of the newest FreeBSD requires the newest version of the library qt, namely qt3, ports on the KDE2 system will require tremendous efforts from programmers. It is recommended to upgrade to KDE3'.