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Nightmare At 20,000 Feet

Added by Greg McCoral • Updated about a year ago by Brucker
Added by Greg McCoral • Updated about a year ago by Brucker

Nightmare At 20,000 Feet
Nightmare At 20,000 Feet

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2006 Origin: Region:
Tags: image macro webcomic penny arcade oh exploitable


The October 30, 2006 edition of the Penny Arcade webcomic is entitled "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", a title taken from the classic 1963 Twilight Zone episode starring William Shatner.

The dialogue:

Panel 1

{A co-pilot is shown exiting the cockpit, manic and sweating, looking at the crowd on the airline.}
Co-pilot: Oh, God… The Captain's dead… He's dead! We told you to turn off all electronic devices… But you didn't listen!

Panel 2

{Scene change. Gabe is in his airline seat, behind a guy, holding a Nintendo DS with widened eyes, staring toward the Co-pilot.}
Co-pilot: Don't you know that the Game Boy emits harmful pilot killer rays? I'm so weak… I'm dying!
Co-pilot: Oh, my sweet Anna! How I long to see you!
Co-pilot: And now… I die!

Panel 3

{Gabe slowly closes his DS while attempting to whistle and look about, the guy ahead of him screaming.}

The Original comic strip:

Evidence of a meme?

Oo 8

exploitable template

There is a collection of edited versions of the comic available on Macrochan suggesting that this may have been somewhat popular on 4chan at some point in time. Further investigation is needed.

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