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Back in 1995, following the movie Street Fighter starring Jean Claude Van Damme and Raul Julia, the USA Network released a cartoon series based on the Street Fighter franchise, however… this cartoon series was based more on the film rather than the actual video game storyline. This resulted in a strangely composed plot that would sometimes contradict itself between the original story of the games and the jumbled plot from the 1994 film. With some much confusion, the animators and writers had trouble organizing the roles and personalities of the Street Fighter characters. And thus, sprung this random moment.

This meme is pretty straight forward but it's whole appeal comes from its odd choice of script. In episode 4, titled "No Way Out", Sagat and his henchmen hold Guile and a small boy named Kip hostage within a building that holds government secrets on Sagat and Bison (who knows, who cares). Sagat tries to intimidate Guile into surrendering the files to him, but Guile resists. Sagat then gets an idea to use the boy as a means to urge Guile to give in, so as not to see harm come to the boy.

This moment is scripted as follows:

Sagat: I have an idea, this young one will be my… what's the word?… mascot…. Yes…

(he turns to a goon to his left)

Sagat: Show the boy back to his old room. There he can rest and… maybe have a snack.

(he turns back to Guile, the camera looking up at Sagat as if looking at him from Guile's eyes)

Sagat: You like… some Cornflakes? HahaHahaHAHA

That simple question and laugh is the heart of this meme. Sagat's random choice to say Cornflakes, out of all things, with an obscure laugh directed at the viewer. It is also alluded that Sagat is referencing Tony the Tiger since all of Sagat's special moves contain the word "Tiger" (Tiger Shot, Tiger Uppercut, Tiger Destruction, etc). Tony the Tiger is the mascot for Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, the sugar frosted version of corn flakes. Whether the original animators were trying to allude this reference is unknown but highly plausible.

Sagat's cornflakes joke is found mostly in Youtube, for it is a Youtube Poop joke. Several Youtube Poopers have picked up the meme as well as Mugen players who know the reference.

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Another way to use the meme is by replacing Sagat's special move, his Tiger Shot (like a Hadoken fireball) into a box of Kellogg's Cornflakes. Sometimes the joke is taken further into his Tiger Uppercut, changed into Cornflakes Uppercut, where the phrase Tiger is also replaced by the cartoon's comical Cornflakes audio. This proves funny because of how obvious the dubbing is over the word Tiger, as the two voices share a single phrase in the attack.


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Youtube Poop Music Videos are popular for this meme as well. Especially with Sagat's theme music from the Thailand stage in Capcom's Street Fighter II: The World Warriors. An audio sample of Sagat saying "Cornflakes" to a box of Cornflakes with Sagat's picture on it, Sagat has become like an unofficially appointed mascot for the cereal.

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Sagat likes Cornflakes

Sagat likes Cornflakes

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

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Back in 1995, following the movie Street Fighter starring Jean Claude Van Damme and Raul Julia, the USA Network released a cartoon series based on the Street Fighter franchise, however… this cartoon series was based more on the film rather than the actual video game storyline. This resulted in a strangely composed plot that would sometimes contradict itself between the original story of the games and the jumbled plot from the 1994 film. With some much confusion, the animators and writers had trouble organizing the roles and personalities of the Street Fighter characters. And thus, sprung this random moment.

This meme is pretty straight forward but it's whole appeal comes from its odd choice of script. In episode 4, titled "No Way Out", Sagat and his henchmen hold Guile and a small boy named Kip hostage within a building that holds government secrets on Sagat and Bison (who knows, who cares). Sagat tries to intimidate Guile into surrendering the files to him, but Guile resists. Sagat then gets an idea to use the boy as a means to urge Guile to give in, so as not to see harm come to the boy.

This moment is scripted as follows:

Sagat: I have an idea, this young one will be my… what's the word?… mascot…. Yes…

(he turns to a goon to his left)

Sagat: Show the boy back to his old room. There he can rest and… maybe have a snack.

(he turns back to Guile, the camera looking up at Sagat as if looking at him from Guile's eyes)

Sagat: You like… some Cornflakes? HahaHahaHAHA

That simple question and laugh is the heart of this meme. Sagat's random choice to say Cornflakes, out of all things, with an obscure laugh directed at the viewer. It is also alluded that Sagat is referencing Tony the Tiger since all of Sagat's special moves contain the word "Tiger" (Tiger Shot, Tiger Uppercut, Tiger Destruction, etc). Tony the Tiger is the mascot for Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, the sugar frosted version of corn flakes. Whether the original animators were trying to allude this reference is unknown but highly plausible.

Sagat's cornflakes joke is found mostly in Youtube, for it is a Youtube Poop joke. Several Youtube Poopers have picked up the meme as well as Mugen players who know the reference.

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Another way to use the meme is by replacing Sagat's special move, his Tiger Shot (like a Hadoken fireball) into a box of Kellogg's Cornflakes. Sometimes the joke is taken further into his Tiger Uppercut, changed into Cornflakes Uppercut, where the phrase Tiger is also replaced by the cartoon's comical Cornflakes audio. This proves funny because of how obvious the dubbing is over the word Tiger, as the two voices share a single phrase in the attack.


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Youtube Poop Music Videos are popular for this meme as well. Especially with Sagat's theme music from the Thailand stage in Capcom's Street Fighter II: The World Warriors. An audio sample of Sagat saying "Cornflakes" to a box of Cornflakes with Sagat's picture on it, Sagat has become like an unofficially appointed mascot for the cereal.

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