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Deadpool   3,959

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in an old time, a better time, there existed a great land called doujin-moe.com, called such for it was home to many a great doujin, but many pilgrims flocked there, not for the animu porn, but for the mighty force known as the COMMENT SECTION, where many a great warrior battle for control of the images of babes gettin it in da pooper depicted above, but once in a while, they would reach the end of the pictures in the gallery, and would only recieve the images of the MIGHTY QUESTION MARK! at first, it was hated, because it was strange, and confusing to there simple minds, which were clouded by there horny, but a few, a brave, mighty few, saw the question for what it was, IT! WAS! SEXY!!!!!! AND NOT ONLY THAT! IT! WAS! SMEXXXXXYYYY!!!!! and(after fapping to it) they shared their knowledge with the underlings, and word of the mighty god known as the SMEXY MARK!!! was known throughout the land

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smexy mark

smexy mark

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This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability.

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in an old time, a better time, there existed a great land called doujin-moe.com, called such for it was home to many a great doujin, but many pilgrims flocked there, not for the animu porn, but for the mighty force known as the COMMENT SECTION, where many a great warrior battle for control of the images of babes gettin it in da pooper depicted above, but once in a while, they would reach the end of the pictures in the gallery, and would only recieve the images of the MIGHTY QUESTION MARK! at first, it was hated, because it was strange, and confusing to there simple minds, which were clouded by there horny, but a few, a brave, mighty few, saw the question for what it was, IT! WAS! SEXY!!!!!! AND NOT ONLY THAT! IT! WAS! SMEXXXXXYYYY!!!!! and(after fapping to it) they shared their knowledge with the underlings, and word of the mighty god known as the SMEXY MARK!!! was known throughout the land

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