
12 Kids Making Adorably Stupid Mistakes

Two stupid kids in the following collection.
Two stupid kids in the following collection.

Published May 16, 2022

Published May 16, 2022

Kids can be dumb. Like, really dumb. Remember that one thing you did in elementary school that was so embarrassing it keeps you up at night? Well, imagine if that thing was publicly announced online, where millions of people could laugh at you. Well, that's what happened with these kids, but honestly, they're still kind of adorable. We may laugh at them, but we're laughing along with their parents and their future selves.

You may have done some idiotic things as a kid, but they probably weren't as memorable as these, unless you got suspended for mooning your entire preschool class while yelling "special delivery" (totally not speaking from experience here). The following kids are so unforgettably stupid that we can't wait to see how they turn out in adulthood. Here are some of our favorite new kids to mock.

He's Not Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Toy Trucks

(Source: Reddit)

When kids can't have something for themselves, those things become so much more valuable.

Over and Out

This Kid Broke His Phone and Told His Mom He Didn't Know How It Happened

Where'd It Go

(Source: Reddit)

A Message to Parents

(Source: Reddit)

I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to be that kid's parents.

Cool Book

(Source: Reddit)

Just Until the Uranium Is Delivered

(Source: Reddit)

It's surprising this kid didn't pick up on this much, much sooner. What child just has nuclear weapons?

How Silly

(Source: Reddit)

40 Is The New 90

(Source: Reddit)

If this is what life looks like in our 40s, our 50s must be pretty bleak.

I Love It

(Source: Reddit)

That's One Way To Eat Candy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: kids being stupid, children falling over, dumb kids, kids, funny, reddit, fail, twitter, wholesome, tweets, stories, collections,