
14 'Heavenly' Jokes So Bad They've Ascended

cooking pot
car seat
cooking pot
car seat

Published December 16, 2023

Published December 16, 2023

The world of memes is vast and varied, filled with all sorts of weird and nonsensical social media posts. From wholesome memes to surreal memes, there exists a type of meme on the internet for almost every sort of person, whether you're trying to feel better about yourself or just trying to scratch your head in confusion.

Reddit's /r/comedyheaven is one such corner of the internet that contains a very specific sort of meme. It collects a series of posts that subvert traditional comedic expectations in the most unpredictable ways. Think of this subreddit almost like a contemporary art gallery but for memes. Any memes posted here are either plagued with completely nonsensical captions or awkwardly edited to be hilarious. Prepare to enter a comedic landscape where the rules of humor are rewritten, a place where the punchlines are unexpected, and the jokes are unconventional, but the laughter is guaranteed. Immerse yourself in this small collection of memes from Reddit's comedy heaven.

Bob Can't Have Too Much Sugar!

(Source: Reddit)

Super Doodie

(Source: Reddit)

Be Afraid… Of The Super Pig!

(Source: Reddit)

Looking Good!

(Source: Reddit)

Burger And Skull™

(Source: Reddit)

Rat Journal

(Source: Reddit)

Not A Fan Of CheezIts

(Source: Reddit)

Ready For Halloween!

(Source: Reddit)

Beer For Comparison

(Source: Reddit)

Timeout Can Change A Man…

(Source: Reddit)

Collision Looking Good!

(Source: Reddit)

Hi Tom!

(Source: Reddit)

Best Picture For Comparison

(Source: Reddit)

Tech Support

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: comedy cemetery, comedy heaven, /r/comedyheaven, funny, collections,