
15 Stock Photos That Came From A Parallel Universe

two strange stock photos
two strange stock photos

Published December 16, 2023

Published December 16, 2023

Stock photography was created to assist in finding imagery to accompany pretty much anything. Stock photos can be found pretty much everywhere online, and are often put to good use. Some stock photos, however, are completely nonsensical. They're weird, disturbing and at times obviously just a cry for help. We're not sure why anyone in their right mind would design, photograph or pose for these images, but for some reason, they did, and the results are memorable, to say the least.

The following photos were created specifically for a target audience to purchase, but we have no idea what that sort of target audience would look like, and frankly, we don't really want to meet them. It's safe to say they won't sell, though. Here are just a few of the countless stock photos that defy any explanation and appear to be created by aliens trying (and failing) to simulate the patterns of human behavior.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Romantic Moment

(Source: Reddit)

I'd Like the Recipe

(Source: Reddit)

Smoking Underwater

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Makes Me Uncomfortable

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ragdoll Cat Mugshot

(Source: Reddit)

Frog Flipping Off the Viewer

(Source: Reddit)

Vulcan Salute with Potato

(Source: Reddit)

Disrespecting Privacy

(Source: Reddit)

Bag of Coke

(Source: Reddit)

Ellen DeGeneres

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: stock photos, weird stock photos, reddit, /r/wtfstockphotos, collections,