15 Stock Photos That Defy All Explanation
There's a lot of stock photos out there, and it's rare that we ever find ourselves in need of one. But the industry is very much alive and somehow profitable enough to keep itself afloat, most likely funded by small bloggers who haven't figured out how to credit images yet and online college orientation courses. Stock photos are able to be purchased in order to serve a purpose, often a commercial one, so they're geared towards attracting attention and eventually being bought up by someone. The thing is, sometimes they won't sell, simply because they make absolutely no sense.
There is a subgenre of stock photography that involves images no one should have created, ever. From photos that seem to be a collage of random ideas to some artistic shots of fruit on someone's face, there's not a lot of purpose in each of these, and it's unlikely anyone out there felt the need to purchase these. As for why they exist, the world will probably never know. See if you can guess the purposes behind these 15 photos.