
15 Successful Off-Brands We Might Actually Want To Buy

A collection of off-brand items sold around the world photos are of a woman wearing a Lord Voldemort coat that looks like Louis Vuitton and a new band called Panic At The Costco
A collection of off-brand items sold around the world photos are of a woman wearing a Lord Voldemort coat that looks like Louis Vuitton and a new band called Panic At The Costco

Published April 24, 2020

Published April 24, 2020

Usually, when people spot an off-brand item, it's painfully obvious. Some people would never want to purchase it in a million years. And yet sometimes, an off-brand attempt strikes gold, and you may actually consider buying it for not only yourself, but everyone else in your life. This happened to be the case for the following products listed below. Here are 15 of our favorites from the subreddit /r/AwesomeOffBrands.

Worth $1,000 Easily

(Source: Reddit)

A Delayed 420 Gift

(Source: Reddit)

Do You Have Slurpees, Evelyn?

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Legit

(Source: Reddit)

Legitimately Can't Even Tell The Difference

(Source: Reddit)

Would Watch Both Immediately

(Source: Reddit)

Intrigued For Some Strange Reason

(Source: Reddit)

The Classic Tale Of Bartfield

(Source: Reddit)

Every Day In The Lockdown

(Source: Reddit)

Always Add An Exclamation Point If You Can

(Source: Reddit)

Glad That Hamm Is Getting Time In The Spotlight

(Source: Reddit)

Which Sequel Is This?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

If Only Toy Story Were Brave Enough To Go With This Title

(Source: Reddit)

The Most Beautiful Thing In The Whole World

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/awesomeoffbrands, off-brands, reddit, star wars, titanic, dunder mifflin, 7-eleven, adidas, sharpie, kermit, garfield, bart simpson, panic at the disco, costco, windex, babe, fast and the serious, acdc, gucci, collections,

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