
17 Memes That We Can All Relate To On A Bad Day

Two relatable memes from the following collection.
Two relatable memes from the following collection.

Published July 27, 2021

Published July 27, 2021

Often, memes can unexpectedly speak to you on an extremely personal level. In these cases, they accurately depict an experience we all relate to or they're simply a little less than wholesome to catch your attention when things aren't going well. While we all love wholesome memes, once in a while they just don't have the same effect as something moodier.

Pessimistic memes might not technically be the healthiest out there, but we all get them on some level, and they can be great reminders that we're never alone in our daily struggles. We've all found our way back to some of the less healthy memes out there, and now, we're giving them back to you in the hopes that they'll give you the strength to fight through your next bad day because there's always someone out there who gets your pain enough to make a great joke about it. Here are some of the best memes that are perhaps a little too easy to relate to.

Best Feeling Ever

(Source: Reddit)

The Third Wheel

(Source: Reddit)

It’s Too Early for This

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Learning to Drive

(Source: Reddit)

Nearest Wrong Answer

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

You Guys Are Getting Text Messages?

(Source: Reddit)

Adjusting the Volume Instead

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Childhood Nostalgia

(Source: Reddit)

I Think Teachers Do This on Purpose

(Source: Reddit)

I'm In This Picture and I Don't Like It

(Source: Reddit)

It's Been A Rough Couple Years

(Source: Reddit)

Trust Me, You Don't

(Source: Reddit)

Let's See How This Goes

(Source: Reddit)

Every Time

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, unwholesome, funny, relatable, r/memes, nostalgia, school, covid, childhood, introvert, reddit, meirl, who else relates, i relate, collections, humor, entertainment,