
18 'Star Wars' Sequel Memes You'll Enjoy Whether Or Not You're A Fan Of The Sequels

Two _Star Wars_ sequel memes in the following collection.
Two _Star Wars_ sequel memes in the following collection.

Published July 27, 2021

Published July 27, 2021

Star Wars has led to more memes than pretty much any other film franchise out there. You may know dozens of prequel memes by heart, but the three sequels aren't nearly as well known in the meme world, though they easily could be. Following anything from the debate surrounding the name Rey Skywalker to the fact that Palpatine just kind of reappeared, there's a lot to joke about.

You don't have to like the sequels to like sequel memes, but fans of them can also enjoy the many jokes to be made about the last trilogy. They're just movies, after all, so why take them so seriously that we're fighting other fans online over their merits? Both hatred and love of the sequels can make pretty impressive memes, and we've gathered some of our favorites to show you what Star Wars fans are talking about regarding the last three movies. Here are 18 of the best memes to come from the sequels, whether you like the movies or not.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Welcome Back

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Personal Attack

(Source: Reddit)

So Insecure

(Source: Reddit)

Jedi Tips

(Source: Reddit)

Business Is Boomin'

(Source: Reddit)

There Goes the Friendly Fanbase

(Source: Reddit)

That's Not How the Force Works

(Source: Reddit)

Visible Disappointment

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks for Asking

(Source: Reddit)

It's Not Over

(Source: Reddit)

More Cheese Please

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Don't Grow Up, It Hurts

(Source: Reddit)

Family Is Just Like That Sometimes

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: star wars, the last jedi, the rise of skywalker, somehow palpatine returned, palpatine, skywalker, rey, the force awakens, sequels, star wars sequels, prequel memes, star wars memes, collections, r/prequelmemes, r/sequelmemes,