
20 Karens Having Meltdowns Across Social Media

Two karens in the following collection.
Two karens in the following collection.

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

By now, you've certainly heard of Karens and perhaps encountered one or two in real life. Karens are here to make life worse for everyone else around them, and they've certainly succeeded in many ways. From casual racism or homophobia to just making life more difficult for every retail or food service employee they encounter, Karens are too much for the rest of society to handle, and they don't seem to put any energy towards how much they annoy everyone else in the world.

Karens don't care about the rest of society. They're even convinced the term "Karen" is a racial slur towards white women (it's not). Karens aren't just women named Karen, they're any entitled person who believes they can treat others horribly and expect no repercussions, except for a manager maybe giving them their entire order for free or other Karens praising them for "standing up for themselves," even though they're just harassing people instead. Here are some of our favorite new Karens exposed (and sometimes proudly exposing themselves) on social media.

Parking Police

Hiring a Lawyer over Tryouts Results for a 10U Basketball Team

Control Your Teens

No Accents Allowed

Asking for a Friend

Fast Passes for Coffee to Thank Them for Their Service

Branding Cactuses at the Botanical Garden

Don’t Do It

Evil Stepmom

Karen vs. Karen

I Wonder Who Found This Offensive

A Strategy to Deal With Karens

Seems Like an Overreaction to Me

What Exactly Is a “Woke-Looking Staff?”

Airplane Behavior

This Response to Waiting in Line


This Restaurant Review

Marketplace Karen

Maybe Check Your Math

Tags: karens, karen, karen memes, x, twitter, facebook, boomer, ok boomer, collections,