23 Memes From The Marvel Multiverse - Related Memes - Loki (TV Series) loki marvel disney+ disney tom hiddleston tom hiddleston Loki (TV Series) The Falcon and The Winter Soldier winter soldier falcon baron zemo john walker captain america marvel disney+ streaming tv show marvel comics falcon and the winter soldier The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) marvel studios iron man the incredible hulk thor captain america spider-man the avengers ant-man hawkeye black widow civil war chris hardwick marvel cinematic universe Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Marvel Comics spiderman x-men comics marvel stan lee the avengers fantastic four entertainment company Marvel Comics 1 Entry Categories Cultures 318 Events 3,788 Memes 32,335 People 2,620 Sites 842 Subcultures 2,947