
24 Supposedly 'Deep' Posts From People Who Could Use A Reality Check

tree in desert
tree in desert

Published December 30, 2023

Published December 30, 2023

Welcome to the hilariously stupid and pseudo-profound world of /r/im14andthisisdeep, a subreddit dedicated to the overdramatic and often unnecessarily deep posts of the youth. There are plenty of self-proclaimed gurus online, from the Andrew Tates of the world to the Gary Vees, and each of them has their motives and intentions. While most are probably aiming for the betterment of the people who follow them, most also end up being incredibly vague and providing little to no actual actionable advice.

This subreddit is home to a variety of wannabe influencers who think the same. While most are young teenagers with little to no actual life experience, most have probably looked at big-name influencers like Andrew Tate and others and want to encourage others to "escape the matrix." As you explore this collection, prepare for a mix of amusement and nostalgia, and remind yourself of the days when you used to be incredibly stupid online.

This Says A Lot About Our Society

(Source: Reddit)

Human Bad Nature Good

(Source: Reddit)

We All End Up In The Same Hole

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Says A Lot About Our Society!

(Source: Reddit)

Oh How Times Have Changed…

(Source: Reddit)

Wife, Kids, House… Onions

(Source: Reddit)

Very Nice Feet!

(Source: Reddit)

Even The Richest Among Us Are 14 At Heart

(Source: Reddit)

The Woes Of A Woman!

(Source: Reddit)

Who Did This?

(Source: Reddit)

Schools Aren't The Same Anymore…

(Source: Reddit)

We Are Prisoners!

(Source: Reddit)

Terminal Cringe

(Source: Reddit)

Ocean Racism!

(Source: Reddit)

What Does This Mean?

(Source: Reddit)

Puddle Mind

(Source: Reddit)

Hard Work Pays Off!

(Source: Reddit)

Rock Man!

(Source: Reddit)

The Atheism Final Boss

(Source: Reddit)

One Of The Hurts Of All Time

(Source: Reddit)

Standards Have Fallen…

(Source: Reddit)

Open Your Eyes!

(Source: Reddit)

Escape The Matrix!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: im 14 and this is deep, ironic memes, ironic, /r/im14andthisisdeep, cringe, deep, collections,