
25 Hilariously Relatable Memes From Reddit's 'Me IRL'

john travolta
guy driving car
guy in pajamas
john travolta
guy driving car
guy in pajamas

Published December 15, 2023

Published December 15, 2023

Welcome to the incredibly diverse world of memes, brought to you by Reddit's /r/me_irl. This subreddit has been a staple of internet culture for quite a while now, garnering over seven million followers on Reddit, and becoming quite well known in the Reddit community as a source for the best and most relatable memes.

The name 'me_irl' is meant to highlight the relatability of all of the posts in this subreddit, ranging from self-deprecating to surreal humor that perfectly encapsulates the "me in real life" sentiment. Each post is a look into the poster's life, and usually represents a scenario that probably feels a little too close to home. As you explore this collection, prepare to laugh, cringe, and possibly even think to yourself, "I've been in a similar situation." This subreddit is a reminder that we are all probably far more alike than we'd care to admit, and these are the memes to prove it.

Earth Is Boring!

(Source: Reddit)

How Ironic…

(Source: Reddit)

Too Real

(Source: Reddit)

Consequences Of Your Actions

(Source: Reddit)

The Only Right Way To Protest

(Source: Reddit)

Doner Efficiency!

(Source: Reddit)

Gender Norms Are Interesting…

(Source: Reddit)

Please Arrest Me

(Source: Reddit)

Enter The Last Of Us

(Source: Reddit)

Girlfriend AND Best Friend!

(Source: Reddit)

Fair Point TBH

(Source: Reddit)

Whole Lotta Thumbs!

(Source: Reddit)

Your Move, Therapist!

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Stop Me, Dad!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh The Woes Of Capitalism

(Source: Reddit)

Modern Day Standoff

(Source: Reddit)

Unspoken Rizz

(Source: Reddit)

The Power Of A Girlboss!

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, This Is Him

(Source: Reddit)

The Best Colorblind Test

(Source: Reddit)

Good Question…

(Source: Reddit)

Too True

(Source: Reddit)

How Poetic!

(Source: Reddit)

Bring Back Gender Roles!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: me irl, memes, relatable, relatable memes, collections,