
10 Anti-Memes That Aren't Memes, But Look Like Memes

Left: Squidward sleeping, an anti-meme
Right: an anti-meme telling what every Scooby doo episode is like
Left: Squidward sleeping, an anti-meme
Right: an anti-meme telling what every Scooby doo episode is like

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

This is an introductory paragraph to an article about anti-memes. There are ten anti-memes below. For Google search algorithm optimization, 130 words are required. A small handful of these words will contain links to other meme entries on the website.

Occasionally, there are jokes made in these intro paragraphs but it is likely they are not read by the majority of people. English words, not a different language. If the memes are from a site, attribution of that site is required: these memes are from Reddit's /r/antimemes. What is an anti-meme? When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate but….150 words reached.

Scooby Doop


We obey Simon in this house.

Go Out And Enjoy Yourselves

Please, do. You are worthy of love, affection and care no matter who you are.

The Way We Were

History… wow.


(Source: Reddit)

Unhand Him, Sir!

This rat did nothing to deserve such manhandling.

Psychological Realism (Worker's Rights)

Look In The Mirror, Dear Reader


IYKYK: à la Magritte: this is not a pipe.

Nine Hours A Night

Tags: anti memes, reddit, avant garde, funny, bone hurting juice, anti-memes, /r/antimemes, collections,