Left: a really excellent puffy cat being judged by a happy competition judge
Right: a chicken, and text indicating the game is to look at it (and you have won)

10 Clean Memes You Could Show Your Grandma

Not every meme is safe for work, but even fewer are safe for grandma. Often, memes revolve around niche young people, things and subcultures, and they find inspiration from the mucky gutter of online life. These memes are not like that: they are better. Not only are they wholesome memes, they are downright respectful memes.

They are polite, courteous, and accurate. These memes from Twitter account @RespectfulMemes do not lie or put up a front, but tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But they also aren't without a certain amount of old-school spice.

The Pinnacle

72 I have goosebumps. 32 years of judging, this is one of the finest cats I've ever judged.

(Source: Twitter)

The finest feline performance possible comes from this fluffy gentleman. Folks, hold your applause.

Head Pain

Me, trying to remember where Dutch people are from without saying "Dutchland":

(Source: Reddit)

Your Choice

Who is better Repost for JESUS Ignore for this

(Source: Reddit)


Him: I bet he's thinking about his one true love Him: daly

(Source: Twitter)

It's good to see such wholesome activity and caring going in our often-cold world.

At The End Of The Day… Correct

(Source: Twitter)

An accurate supposition.

Too Many Apps

Why didn't the alarm sound? The alarm: C % % 7 8 9 5 6 2 3 4 1 0 7.00 O

(Source: Twitter)

One of several apps asking you to enter numbers, too confusing to expect people to know every time.


This keeps happening. How heavy are cats?

(Source: Twitter)

It might not be causation.

Yum Yum

CHETAHA A gift I bought for my mom with her money 7 year old me

(Source: Twitter)

If the gift is a waffle, it's the best kind of gift of all.

Overexcited Wolfie

Maybe not mind-blowing, but sometimes dogs/wolves in movies need CGI tails if they're supposed to be acting mean bc they're so excited to be doing a good job acting that their tails can't stop wagging.

(Source: Twitter)

And they should be proud of themselves, it's a hard thing for a dog to make it on the silver screen.

Remember 'The Game?'

(Source: Twitter)

If you do, you just lost it.

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