Two Hanukkah memes in the following collection.

10 Hanukkah Memes (And More) To Celebrate The Holiday Right

Hanukkah's officially underway, so it's time to celebrate. While it may not be as widespread as Christmas, around five percent of Americans celebrate Hanukkah, with many millions worldwide participating in the nine-day holiday every year. So if you're tired of hearing about the "war on Christmas" nonsense and ready to see some memes representing your holiday (or about the failure to represent the holiday), we've gathered some for you to enjoy.

Celebrating Hanukkah in the United States can be difficult, especially if you don't have any days off work or school and people have actually turned violent after hearing retail workers say "happy holidays." If you're celebrating the holiday this year, hopefully these memes will relate to your pain. Here are some memes and images representing the ups and downs of Hannukah.

Weird Way to Celebrate, But I Have to Admire the Effort

Night Run Avenue H Avenue I Avenue L MIDWOOD Distance Avg Pace 8.79 mi 8:14 /mi Moving Time Elevation Gain 1:12:23 51 ft Calories Submitted by a follower who did this run last nightusing Strava running app. Max Eleyation 41 ft E 32nd St E 31st St E 23rd S E 19th St E 15ch St E 10th St

Seems like a lot of running when you could be sitting at home with presents instead.

Chad Holiday

The virgin Christmas VS. The Chad (C)Hanukkah Jesus wasn't actually born onDecember 25th Celebrated in accordance with a calendar that's been used for over 4000 years Began as a half-assed appropriation of the ancient Roman holiday Saturnalia in a ploy to convince pagans to convert to Christianity Mascot is some fat bearded guy popularized by Coca Cola Has its roots in an important event in Jewish history, not in Winter Solstice celebrations like most other cultures respective winter holiday Has never had a need for any person to be its representative, symbolism is enough Encourages gluttony and unhealthy eating habits in millions Gives consumers even more debt than they did before having to buy all their loved ones Christmas gifts No gifts required (although welcomed!) You never hear about how latkes are causing y vey! an obesity epidemic Shoved down the throats of shoppers by companies looking to make ends meet No longer widely celebrated for Jesus birth, its original purpose Still stays true to its original meaning though times have changed The reason why companies have to say "Happy Holidays", Jews don't care anyway Lasts for 9 days for real Claims to last for 12 days, really lasts for 2 at most Features fun-to-sing songs that remain faithful to its holiday Features contemporary Christmas songs whose messages are vapid and barely relate to the actual holiday itself

Drink Your Eggnog and Stay in Your Lane

WHEN YOUR FRIENDS ASK YOU WHAT YOU'RE UP TO ON HANUKKAH Jewish business. Go back to your drinks. Inn


Facts VANDE ANDENOR ROSE Delicious, for LOWA 4NTAL Chanukah SUP H. Boneless Smoked Ham $6.29 A

Everyone Needs a Fidget Dreidel

Rite Lite 0231017 Bed Bath &Beyond $499주 Ages 3+ Spin to Win! RNING: AZARD - Small parts. en under 3 yrs. Rite Lite Chanukah Express

It's becoming pretty obvious that American companies don't really know what Hanukkah is.

Alright Then

Did you light any candles? I lit them all! Every single one of them! SampleSwimming8576 OC by Tajine Certified Content SampleSwimming8576 And not just on the menorah, but on the womenorah, and the childrenorah too!

You can blame the prequel memers for this one.

It's Finally Their Turn

(Source: Reddit)

In Case You Haven't Seen This One Yet


(Source: Reddit)

They tried, but whoever made this was clearly a little confused.

As Long As There’s Still Presents, Who Cares?

(Source: Reddit)

How to Liven Up the Celebration in a Weird Way

(Source: Reddit)

I mean, there's technically no rule against this, right?

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