
12 Sarcastic Thoughts That Actually Make A Lot Of Sense

a collection of sarcastic posts that make a lot of sense images are of a tweet discussing how billionaires should get dog parks named after them after giving away money and a post discussing a coronavirus vaccine
a collection of sarcastic posts that make a lot of sense images are of a tweet discussing how billionaires should get dog parks named after them after giving away money and a post discussing a coronavirus vaccine

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Retorts are commonplace across all social platforms, especially when people are posting about politics, religion and science. But sometimes, while sarcasm may be the intent of these posts, they actually make for sound arguments to better society. This isn't always easy to find, but once in a while, someone says something ironically that actually makes a lot of sense, and we can't help but agree with them, even though they didn't mean it that way.

Usually, there's some sort of political motivation behind these posts, but they wound up accidentally supporting the other side with a logically sound argument. Other times, they tried to reply to someone with a sarcastic response about what to do next in this (sort of) post-COVID world we now inhabit, but they really just posed some solid advice for a new solution to the problem. Honestly, the ideas people come up with ironically can be pretty great, and if only we could be serious about these things, maybe society would be in much better shape. Here are 12 of our favorite thoughts collected from the subreddit /r/ThisButUnironically. Let's make everything free already!

We've Had Enough, Man

(Source: u/like-to-bike)

Let's Go With The Thing That Calms Everyone Down

(Source: @anncoulter)

Let's Defund Them Until They Do Something Beneficial For The Country

(Source: @RyanAFournier)

A Trophy AND A Dog Park!

(Source: @Mikel_Jollett)


(Source: u/Albamc35)

Vaccines 101

(Source: u/WaRRioRz0rz)

Anything To Stay Alive, Right?

(Source: @charliekirk11)


(Source: u/HyperPineapple17)

If It's Possible, Why Not?

(Source: u/meanerthantheaverage)

Sounds Like A Plan

(Source: @suicideseattle)

Let's Make That Happen

(Source: u/GrimJesta)

How Is It Not Already?

(Source: u/g_bay)

Tags: /r/thisbutunironically, vaccine, coronavirus, bernie sanders, tucker carlson, ann coulter, defunding congress, trophies, capitalism, passing laws, vaccines, climate change, 7-eleven, health, free, masks, collections,