a collection of sarcastic posts that make a lot of sense images are of a tweet discussing how billionaires should get dog parks named after them after giving away money and a post discussing a coronavirus vaccine

12 Sarcastic Thoughts That Actually Make Sense

Retorts are commonplace across all of the social platforms, especially when people are posting about politics, religion and science. But sometimes, while sarcasm may be the intent of these posts, they actually make for sound arguments to better society. This isn't always easy to find, but once in a while, someone says something ironically that actually makes a lot of sense, and we can't help but agree with them, even though they didn't mean it that way.

Usually, there's some sort of political motivation behind these posts, but they wound up accidentally supporting the other side with a logically sound argument. Other times, they tried to reply to someone with a sarcastic response about what to do next in this plauge-filled world we now inhabit, but they really just posed some solid advice for a new solution to the problem. Honestly, the ideas people come up with ironically can be pretty great, and if only we could be serious about these things, maybe society would be in much better shape. Here are 15 of our favorite thoughts collected from the subreddit /r/ThisButUnironically. Let's make everything free already!

How Is It Not Already?

Tweet Bernie Sanders O @BernieSanders 1d Once a vaccine for coronavirus is developed, it should be free. O 22,5K L798,6K O 709K Replying to @BernieSanders So let's also make chemotherapy free then...

(Source: u/g_bay)

We've Had Enough, Man

Tucker Carlson: Millennials drawn to socialism because 'current system isn't working' for them The Hill | 11-01 C.

(Source: u/like-to-bike)

Let's Go With The Thing That Calms Everyone Down

ull Ting ? 10:45 AM ni 50% Tweet Ann Coulter @AnnCoulter This is your future, America! California: Gun shops NOT essential. Pot shops - essential! LUNE E RETTING WE BUY GUNS Single Gun or Entire Collection E COLLECTORS GUNS KNIVES 11029 Second Amendment Activists Suffer Setback in California As Federal Judge... freebeacon.com Tweet your reply Q Σ

(Source: @anncoulter)

Let's Defund Them Until They Do Something Beneficial For The Country

Ryan Fournier @RyanAFournier If we defund the police over a few bad cops... Why don't we also defund Congress? 9:32 PM · Jul 10, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 3.3K Retweets and comments 11.3K Likes

(Source: @RyanAFournier)

A Trophy AND A Dog Park!

Mikel Jollett O @Mikel_Jollett Ok how about this: No more billionaires. None. After you reach $999 million, every red cent goes to schools and health care. You get a trophy that says, "I won capitalism" and we name a dog park after you. 5:47 PM · 3/22/20 · Twitter for iPhone 697 Retweets 2,778 Likes

(Source: @Mikel_Jollett)



(Source: u/Albamc35)

Vaccines 101

1 min · O Just saying. Apr 12 at 5:02 PM ·O Let me get this straight. You're all hiding from a virus right now but in a few weeks you'll be letting them inject you with it? #LogiclsDead O Like Share Comment

(Source: u/WaRRioRz0rz)

Anything To Stay Alive, Right?

Tweet Charlie Kirk O @charliekirk11 Did you know: New York City is pushing for a 119 BILLION dollar, 6 mile "sea wall" to protect Manhattan from climate change Let me get this straight: NYC supports a multi-billion dollar wall to "fight climate change" ...But they don't support a Wall to secure our border? Tweet your reply Q

(Source: @charliekirk11)


Cool girlont ine @6969_6969696969 i dont want a job i just want to rotate slowly under a warm light like a 7-eleven hot dog 2:58 AM 12/25/19 · Twitter for iPhone

(Source: u/HyperPineapple17)

If It's Possible, Why Not?

Replying to Heck why stop there? If M4A, paid leave are human rights, so are food, shelter, water, everything else? Why don't we just make everything free? 9:10 AM 24 Mar 20 · Twitter for Android 22 Likes

(Source: u/meanerthantheaverage)

Sounds Like A Plan

SMOKE SuicideSeattle @SuicideSeattle No mask, no entry to shops No mask, no airline travel No mask, no public transport No mask, no access to public buildings No mask, no work No mask, no school Now replace 'mask' with 'vaccine' for what comes next. 12:56 AM 7/6/20 · Twitter for Android 6 Retweets and comments 7 Likes Constance Hammond @constance... · 1d v Replying to @SuicideSeattle and @Cherrokee40 So true.

(Source: @suicideseattle)

Let's Make That Happen


(Source: u/GrimJesta)

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