13 Individuals Who Should Be Diagnosed With Terminal Stupidity | Know Your Meme


13 Individuals Who Should Be Diagnosed With Terminal Stupidity

Terminally stupid
Terminally stupid

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

If you've chugged three cups of coffee and still don't feel alert enough to contribute to society, we're happy to provide proof that your brain is still operating way better than the folks listed below. The subreddit /r/TerminallyStupid is full of patients who are recently diagnosed with ignorance and while there is no current cure, they do provide plenty of entertainment to the masses. Below are 15 of our favorite extremely foolish social media posts thankfully screenshotted for eternity.

Who Knew Trump Lived In The Lincoln Memorial?

(Source: Reddit)

Only Trust NASA Half The Time

(Source: Reddit)

Very Thankful We Got An Edit On That One

(Source: Reddit)

The Most Addictive Of All: PEZ

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Hey, Have You Tried Not Buying The Thing That Saves Your Life?

(Source: Reddit)

My Brain Died Reading This

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You Cody For All You Do

(Source: Reddit)

Prove It

(Source: Reddit)

Improvising Isn't Always Successful

(Source: Reddit)

I Too React Like This When I See People Doing Math On Their Free Time

(Source: Reddit)

Does This Mean You Had To Pay For It Twice?

(Source: Reddit)

Throw Out Your Ketchup And Mustard People

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/terminallystupid, shower thought, batman's parents, pez candy, $5 bill, nasa, flat earth, braille, dogs, hunting, medication costs, mousepads, windows, amazon prime, brexit, geography, math, airplanes, adoption, script handwriting, collections,