Two _Star Wars_ original trilogy memes in the following collection.

13 'Star Wars' Memes From The Least Controversial Trilogy

Star Wars original trilogy memes are less stressful than the prequel and sequel debates. After all, when was the last time you heard someone say something bad about the originals? I mean, the originals as a whole. I'm not trying to start something about the third movie all over again. At least no one says "Somehow, Palpatine returned" or tries to come up with a canon explanation for Han Solo's last name in that one. There was just that awkward Luke and Leia reveal.

No matter how you feel about the sequels and prequels, we can all pretty much agree that the best movies in the Star Wars universe came from the original trilogy. The first three movies changed the way we looked at science fiction cinema forever, and compared to the sequels, they're even better. Here are 13 of the best memes from the original source material before the Star Wars universe spiraled out of control.

Tis the Season

One leaf falls and it's immediately Han Solo season

(Source: Reddit)

Into Exile I Must Go

Pretty much what Yoda did on Dagobah

(Source: Reddit)



(Source: Reddit)

Han's Been Through a Lot

Princess Leia explaining to Han Solo how Crimson Dawn stole him from Boba Fett, then Jabba bought his body in an auction only to let Darth Vader almost cut him in half after having a fight with Qi'ra, all while he was in carbonite:

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Forget

Hard to swallow pills OT fans can be just as toxic as prequel or sequel fans 343 made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Imperial March Intensifies


(Source: Reddit)

The Stuff of Nightmares

Therapist: "Ken Skywalker doesn't exist, he can't hurt you" Ken Skywalker: STAR WARS MARVEL

(Source: Reddit)


I know... somehow, I've always known

(Source: Reddit)

The End

Ok everyone here's the plan Systen A fatal exception 9A occured at 0811:E00IAE3F. Operating systen has been stopped to prevcnt danege to your computer. • Press any key to terninate the current application. • Press CTRL ALT DEL to restart your conputer. You uill lose any unsaved infornation in all applications. Sh t. Press any key u @FRESH.PINCE Written and Directed by GEORGE LUCAS

(Source: Reddit)

Good Question

Which one is R2's eye? |

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Forget His Sacrifice

*empire was the only star wars movie where no main character dies* ΑΜΤΑ JOKE TΟΥOU?

(Source: Reddit)

But Jar Jar Is on the Skywalker Council

You are on this Council But we do not grant you the rank of Skywalker

(Source: Reddit)

Simpler Times

Star Wars fans discussing the Sequel and prequel trilogy Star Wars fans discussing the Original Trilogy

(Source: Reddit)

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